(NWD) New Member Orientation – 2025 – Spanish

Northwestern Dade Office

Instructor: Alma Betancourt(NWD) New Member Orientation in Spanish Tuesday, February 11th, from 9:30am to 4:30pmNew Member Orientation is mandatory and required to be taken within the first 60 days of becoming a member. Mandatory NAR Code of Ethics training will be included in this session. You will be introduced to our...


(NWD) Understanding the Florida Lease Agreement and Service & Support Animals – In Spanish

Northwestern Dade Office

Instructor: Mark PinillaMembership dues credits can be applied to this class if dues were paid by June 5th, 2024.This class is presented in Spanish.Understanding the Florida Lease Agreement and effectively protecting the landlord, tenant, and Realtor's interests. Learn what even some of the most experienced veteran real estate agents do...


(NWD) Optimizing Your Workflow with Form Simplicity – 2 CE

Northwestern Dade Office

Instructor: Kaz CisowskiYou've heard the saying, "from soup to nuts," well, this course is the real estate equivalent of that saying.From the moment, you go on a listing appointment to the writing of a sales contract for a customer, the entire transaction can be handled with Form SimplicityObjectives: After taking...


(NWD) Master the Paperless Real Estate Transaction with Form Simplicity – 3 CE

Northwestern Dade Office

Instructor: Kaz CisowskiForm Simplicity is a paperless real estate forms management program designed to help you manage your transactions. Form Simplicity gives you the tools necessary to have your office "in the cloud."The Form Simplicity products are available on all mobile devices, are accessible anytime, anywhere.Objectives: After taking this class students will be...


(NWD) Foreign Investment for Immigration Purposes: Top 5 Visas – In Spanish

Northwestern Dade Office

Instructor: Elizabeth PinesMembership dues credits can be applied to this class if dues were paid by June 7th, 2024. This class is presented in Spanish.En esta clase, los agentes de bienes raíces aprenderán las opciones de visas que sus clientes pueden tener sobre sus inversiones inmobiliarias con fines de inmigración. Además,...


(NWD) Busque, Atraiga y Cultive Clientes de una area especifica – 6hr

Northwestern Dade Office

Instructor: German UrregoSpanish ClassDe 9:30am a 4pm, Llegue a tiempo, solo puede perder 30 minutos del tiempo de clase para calificar para las horas de educacion continua.Visión generalEste curso consiste en una mirada detallada a los diferentes métodos de prospección para los vendedores asociados. Un enfoque paso a paso para...



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