FAQs, NAR Resources, Legal Resources, and MORE…
Professional Standards Resources
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q: If I have a question about what’s in the MLS for my case, do I contact Xochitl Reiche, the Professional Standards Manager?
A: No! All questions about the MLS need to be directed to MLS@miamire.com
Q: Where do I find the rules for ethics and arbitration hearings?
A: In the version of the NAR Code of Ethics and Arbitration Manual adopted by MIAMI (updated 2024).
Q: I can’t get the documents from CasePro. Help!
A: Remember, you need to download your documents from CasePro within 15 days of getting those emails. But, if you need a new link to the documents, email: ProfessionalStandards@miamire.com.
Q: Where can I file an ethics complaint or a request for arbitration?
A: You file it electronically HERE.
Q: I want an attorney to represent me. Can you recommend one?
A: No, we cannot recommend or endorse an attorney. If you need a referral, you can call The Florida Bar Lawyer Referral Service at (800) 342-8011 or submit a request for an attorney referral online. The decision to hire an attorney is an important one, so make sure you fully interview and vet an attorney before you hire one.
Q: I have a question about a commission dispute, can you help me?
A: No, we cannot give you legal advice or opinion on your possible commission dispute. The association remains neutral in all Professional Standards processes. If you have a question about a commission dispute, you should consult with your own attorney or call the Florida Realtors Legal Hotline at (407) 438-1409.
Suggested Training Sessions
If you have issues regarding alleged unethical conduct with another MIAMI Member, contact:
POR FAVOR NOTE QUE todos los procedimientos y casos se llevan a cabo en inglés. Se require la traducción de documentos presentados en español al inglés. Si usted necesita los servicios de un traductor o intérprete, es su responsabilidad de buscar y contratar a un traductor o un intérprete.
The button should be updated to say, “Request an Ombudsman” and it should be linked to this page: https://miami-o-casepro.azurewebsites.net/ombudsman
The Florida Realtors Legal Hotline is a FREE benefit available to all members.
- Call: 407-438-1409
- Hours: 9 am to 4:45 pm, Monday through FridayFlorida Realtors Legal Hotline attorneys answer questions about real estate license law and related real property issues. Attorneys also offer legal interpretations of the Florida Bar contract and other standard business forms and contracts.
NAR Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
Code of Ethics Online Training
NOTE: This edition includes all Case Interpretations approved by the Professional Standards Committee. All new and amended Case Interpretations become effective upon approval by the National Association’s Professional Standards Committee and publication on nar.realtor.
Related News, Podcasts and Blogs
Buyer-Seller Dispute Resolution System (DRS)
Here’s a 7-step guide to resolving conflicts
If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation to fully participate in any Professional Standards proceedings, please contact us at ProfessionalStandards@miamire.com or call (305) 468-7000 to let us know.