(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 101: Setup for Success

Instructor: Christy DenysMLS 101 with OneHomeLogin to MIAMI Gateway - Review MLS Portion of MIAMI Gateway DashboardMy MIAMI DashboardReview Matrix Dashboard and Floating Menu BarMatrix Branding - My Matrix information tab. all other tabs, My Matrix settings, and portal notifications, and rosterFirst course in a 6 course MLS Series. This...


(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 201: Search, Find and Customize

Instructor: Christy DenysMLS 201 with OneHomeReview the Contact Manager - Add - Import/Export ContactsSearch and use the map layers, auto emails, and customizing results grids including saving, deleting, and setting as a defaultReview where to find searches, auto-emails recent searches, contacts and MOREThis course is a pre-requisite for MLS Matrix...


(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 301: Data, Statistics and CMA

Instructor: Christy DenysMLS 301Set-up Market WatchDetails, selection, adding external forms, and enhancing your CMA using MatrixStatistic ReviewsFor additional statistics take a Market Stats with Matrix, RPR and MORE SessionThis course is a pre-requisite for MLS Matrix 401If you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate...


(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 401: Rentals Add/Edit and Statistics

Instructor: Christy DenysRentals Searching, adding, & statisticsAdding and editing rentals using both Rental Beast and Matrix Add/EditLeveraging your rental input sheet and entering key elements that will successfully position your rental and permit effective searchRental statistics - matrix and rental beast Rental tips review Stats using MatrixIf you have a disability and...


(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 501: Finding Out of State and Global Buyers

Instructor: Christy DenysMLS 501Adding and editing international listings using global regionInternational listing search using the mapSearch for listings by countryThe IMLS benefits and how to RegisterGlobal Property ExchangeAccess to FREE International Network of real estate professionals, customize your professional profile page and include everything that you have to offerLearn how...


(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 601: Stay Out of Trouble in the MLS – Add/Edit Listing Maintenance

Instructor: Christy DenysMLS 601Review of MLS ResourcesHow to add/edit Listings in Matrix from the MIAMI Gateway DashboardReview of auto-pop of square foot and builders square footIf you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event, please contact our Education Team at 305-468-7066 or...


(SEB) Working with Investors: 201

Southeast Broward Hollywood Office 1 Oakwood Blvd., Ste 175, Hollywood, FL, United States

Instructor: Tyson HanesOpportunity Zones are an economic development tool that allows people to invest in distressed areas.  The purpose is to develop economic growth and job creation in low-income communities while providing tax benefits to investors.  Learn how to:Use Matrix and RPR to analyze Search for properties within opportunity zonesFind properties beneath...


(HQ) Working with Investors 201

Instructor: Tyson HanesOpportunity Zones are an economic development tool that allows people to invest in distressed areas.  The purpose is to develop economic growth and job creation in low-income communities while providing tax benefits to investors.  Learn how to:Use Matrix and RPR to analyze Search for properties within opportunity zonesFind properties beneath...


(NWD) Commercial MLS 201

Northwestern Dade 415 West 51st PL, Ste 200, Hialeah, FL, United States

Instructor: Tyson HanesIn this class, you will learn:Set Up Your Commercial Hot SheetsAdditional Results grid CustomizatonCommercial Sales Statistics Learn Commercial Comparable using Matrix and IMAPPLocate Distressed Commercial OwnersIf you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event please contact the Education Team at 305-468-7066...


(W) MLS-Touch Mobile App: MLS at your Fingertips!

West Broward Sawgrass Office 13680 NW 14 St, Sunrise, FL, United States

Instructor: Tyson HanesLearn MLS Touch with Your MIAMI Trainers:Brand your MLS TouchShare and Track the App you send to Customers with Personalized LinkFacebook Publishing Tool OptionsMap SearchAddress Search Near Me SearchSearh by MLS NumbersAnd MOREIf you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event...


Zoom: MLS Matrix Series 101: Setup for Success – Spanish


Instructor: Christy DenysPresented in Spanish MLS 101 with OneHomeLogin to MIAMI Gateway - Review MLS Portion of MIAMI Gateway DashboardMy MIAMI DashboardReview Matrix Dashboard and Floating Menu BarMatrix Branding - My Matrix information tab, all other tabs, My Matrix settings, and portal notifications and rosterFirst Course in a 6 Course MLS...


Zoom: MLS Matrix Series 201: Search, Find and Customize (Spanish)


Instructor: Christy DenysPresented in Spanish - MLS 201 with OneHomeReview the Contact Manager - Add - Import/Export ContactsSearch and use the map layers, auto emails, and customizing results grids including saving, deleting, and setting as a defaultReview where to find searches, auto-emails recent searches, contacts and MOREThis course is a...


(SEB) Commercial MLS 201

Southeast Broward Hollywood Office 1 Oakwood Blvd., Ste 175, Hollywood, FL, United States

Instructor: Tyson HanesIn this class, you will learn:Set Up Your Commercial Hot SheetsAdditional Results grid CustomizatonCommercial Sales Statistics Learn Commercial Comparable using Matrix and IMAPPLocate Distressed Commercial OwnersIf you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate in this event please contact the Education Team at 305-468-7066...


Zoom: MLS Matrix 301 – Data, Statistics and CMA (Spanish)


Instructor: Christy DenysPresented in SpanishMLS 301Set-up Market WatchDetails, selection, adding external forms, and enhancing your CMA using MatrixStatistic ReviewsFor additional statistics take a Market Stats with Matrix, RPR and MORE SessionThis course is a pre-requisite for MLS Matrix 401If you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to...


Zoom: MLS Matrix 401- Rentals (Spanish)


Instructor: Christy DenysPresented in Spanish Rentals Searching, adding, & statisticsAdding and editing rentals using both Rental Beast and Matrix Add/EditLeveraging your rental input sheet and entering key elements that will successfully position your rental and permit effective searchRental statistics - matrix and rental beast Rental tips review Stats using MatrixSearch for rentals in...



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