(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 301: Data, Statistics and CMA

Instructor: Christy DenysMLS 301Set-up Market WatchDetails, selection, adding external forms, and enhancing your CMA using MatrixStatistic ReviewsFor additional statistics take a Market Stats with Matrix, RPR and MORE SessionThis course is a pre-requisite for MLS Matrix 401If you have a disability and may require a reasonable accommodation to fully participate...


(HQ) MLS Matrix Series 401: Rentals Add/Edit and Statistics

Instructor: Christy DenysRentals Searching, adding, & statisticsAdding and editing rentals using both Rental Beast and Matrix Add/EditLeveraging your rental input sheet and entering key elements that will successfully position your rental and permit effective searchRental statistics - matrix and rental beast Rental tips review Stats using MatrixIf you have a disability and...



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