If you notice a fraudulent posting on Craigslist, you cannot delete it yourself, but you can report it to the site’s administrators.
Step 1
Navigate to the Craigslist website and click “help, FAQ, abuse, legal” from the left panel.
Step 2
Click “contact us” under the general help section.
Step 3
Select the type of issue you are reporting to the Craigslist administrators. If you’ve come across a fraudulent posting, select “flagging, terms of use (TOU) violations, scams” or “personal harassment.”
Step 4
A dropdown list will appear. Click on the issue you are experiencing.
Step 5
If you need additional help, click “contact us” to further describe the situation. Fill out the “name,” “email address,” and type a subject, such as “Reporting a scam” or “Reporting fraud.” In the description box, provide as much detail about the case as you can, including any identification numbers, user names, phone numbers or other information in the fraudulent posting. Add the “post ID.”
Step 6
Press “Send Message” when you’ve finished describing the case.
Related Reading: How Can I File a Complaint About a Craigslist Posting?