MIAMI MLS Coming Soon Rules
- Coming Soon listings must be entered into the MLS System within two (2) Business Days per MLS Rules. Listing Agreements for Coming Soon properties must include a Coming Soon Authorization Form signed by the seller indicating that the seller acknowledges and consents to the Coming Soon rules.
- Properties listed as Coming Soon can not be shown by anyone, including but not limited to the seller, listing office and agents, until the status is changed to Active. Appointments can be taken during Coming Soon period and scheduled for after Go Live/Active date.
- The listing Participant must submit any and all offers on properties listed as Coming Soon but offers cannot be accepted until the status is Active. MIAMI MLS provides MLS Offers as a service that ALL members can use for submission of offers that time/date stamps each offer in the order received.
- Coming Soon listings are automatically changed to Active status twenty-one (21) calendar days after entry, unless the listing Participant changes the status earlier. If the property is not ready for showing within twenty-one (21) calendar days, the listing Participant must change the status to Withdrawn until it is ready for showing.
- The days on market calculation for a Coming Soon listing shall commence once the listing is changed to Active.
- Properties may only be listed in the Coming Soon status once per calendar year, unless the property has sold or rented been relisted with another listing Member within that time.
Required: Coming Soon Authorization Form
Upon completion of this form, it must be added as an attachment once the property has been submitted in the MLS under Attachment Type: Coming Soon Authorization Form.
Coming Soon Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
- Why do we need Coming Soon status in our MLS?
- Can I put a property into Coming Soon while I work to secure the listing?
- How long do I have to enter the listing as a Coming Soon listing?
- Is there anything different I need to do when listing a property that is not ready to show?
- Why is the number of days limited to 21?
- What happens at the end of the 21 days?
- What if the property is still not ready to be shown at the end of 21 days of Coming Soon status
- What if the property is ready to show before the end of the 21 days, can I move it to Active?
- Will Days on the Market accrue while property is in Coming Soon status?
- Can the property be shown while the property is in the Coming Soon status?
- Can I schedule appointments to show the property?
- What do I do if the seller wants the property shown before the end of the 21 days?
- Can the seller accept offers on the Coming Soon property?
- If my Coming Soon listing does not sell after it becomes an Active Listing, can I relist it as a Coming Soon again?
- How can I report a Coming Soon listing that is NOT in the MLS?
- Are Coming Soon Listings included in IDX and Syndication?
- Why do we need Coming Soon status in our MLS?
Coming Soon listings had been prevalent in our Market and were being reported and followed up as violations on a daily basis. Requiring entry in the MLS AND having a Status in the MLS for these listings to reside for a limited time period provides access by ALL Subscribers and Participants.
- Can I put a property into Coming Soon while I work to secure the listing?
NO. The property must have a valid listing agreement to be entered in the MLS.
- How long do I have to enter the listing as a Coming Soon listing?
MLS rules apply: All required Property Types must be filed with the MIAMI MLS within two (2) Business Days
- Is there anything different I need to do when listing a property that is not ready to show?
YES. Listing Agreements for Coming Soon properties must include a Coming Soon Authorization Form signed by the seller indicating that the seller acknowledges and consents to the Coming Soon rules. Listing Agreement AND Coming Soon Authorization Form must be filed with the MIAMI MLS within two (2) Business Days to
- Why is the number of days limited to 21?
Up to 21 days is realistically enough time for the seller to get the property ready to show – declutter, paint, repairs, etc. Up to 21 days is more than enough time for the listing agent to have the stages, photos taken, create marketing materials, etc.
- What happens at the end of the 21 days?The listing status will automatically be changed to Active on the Go Live Date.
- What if the property is still not ready to be shown at the end of 21 days of Coming Soon status?
If the property is not ready for showing within twenty-one (21) calendar days, the listing Participant must change the status to Withdrawn until it is ready for showing.
- What if the property is ready to show before the end of the 21 days, can I move it to Active?
YES. Definitely change the status to Active as soon as the property is ready to show.
- Will Days on the Market accrue while property is in Coming Soon status?
NO. Days on the Market will begin when the listing goes Active.
- Can the property be shown while the property is in the Coming Soon status?
NO. Properties listed as Coming Soon cannot be shown by anyone, including but not limited to the seller, listing office and agents, until the status is changed to Active.
- Can I schedule appointments to show the property?
Appointments can be taken during Coming Soon period and scheduled for after Go Live/Active date.
- What do I do if the seller wants the property shown before the end of the 21 days?
The status must be changed to Active before the property can be shown. Once it is activated, it cannot be moved back to Coming Soon status.
- Can the seller accept offers on the Coming Soon property?The listing agent must submit any and all offers (per Florida Statute 475.278) on properties, including those listed as Coming Soon, but offers cannot be accepted until the status is Active. MIAMI MLS provides MLS Offers as a service that ALL members can use for submission of offers that time/date stamps each offer in the order received.
- If my Coming Soon listing does not sell after it becomes an Active Listing, can I relist it as a Coming Soon again?
NO. Properties may only be listed in the Coming Soon status once per calendar year, unless the property has sold or rented or been relisted with another listing Member within that time.
- How can I report a Coming Soon listing that is NOT in the MLS?If you believe a Coming Soon property is being publicly marketed and is not listed in the MLS, you can submit documentation and request an MLS Review. MIAMI MLS requires documentation to investigate. Upload a file or image reflecting the public marketing and email to This documentation includes at least one of the following:
- Photo of For Sale/Coming Soon Sign
- Copy of screen shot showing the link to the site with the Coming Soon property on it
- Copy of Flyer with the Coming Soon listing information
- Email blast of Coming Soon listing
- Screen shot of Coming Soon listing appearing on a private network
- Screen shot of Coming Soon listing appearing on Social Media
- Are Coming Soon Listings included in IDX and Syndication? Yes, they are included in the IDX and Syndication feeds IF the Broker has chosen to participate in IDX & Syndication.