Rental Series
MLS Matrix™ MLS 401 - Rentals Search & Add/Edit
Rentals Searching, Adding and Statistics
- Adding and editing rentals using both Rental Beast and Matrix Add/Edit
- Leveraging your rental input sheet and entering key elements that will successfully position your rental and permit effective search
- Rental statistics – Matrix™ and Rental Beast
- Rental tips review
- Search for rental in the MLS
Simply MORE with MIAMI!
Rental Searches and Grid Customization
Rentals - Navigating Through Rentals with Rental Beast
- Rental Beast University
- Rental Beast Search
- Rental Beast Add/Edit
- Tenant Screenings with Rental Beast
- Section 8
Rentals - Farming and Marketing
- Propose rent to own or invest and rent
- Market OK To Advertise rental properties
- Create a marketing campaign
- Create a rent digital ad
- Create for Rent Flyers
- Access to Co-branded Flyers
Rental Series - Presented in Spanish
Same great sessions – Presented in Spanish for your convenience.