Commercial Marketplace
The place to be to market your commercial listings and wants.
Increase your business by presenting your “commercial property haves and wants” to an ELITE group of real estate professionals and get firsthand info on other listings. Attendees can bring your brochures & marketing materials, exchange listing & business cards while networking over coffee and bagels.
Held once a month, the meetings allow attendees to promote their properties and expertise to a commercial audience. Attendance is free for members and $15 for non-members.
Date & Location: Check the online calendar HERE
Call Danielle at 305.468.7015 to confirm
Cost: FREE for Mbrs. $15 for Non-Mbrs.
No cost to MIAMI Commercial/MIAMI members but you must RSVP
Please note that this is for marketing commercial properties only.
Download Brochure: Miami | Broward
Email to attend, sponsor a Marketplace or with any questions.